The Library is working hard to make itself an integral part of the community. Spread out along Rockville Road, the town of Avon lacks a clear central point. Seeing this gap, the Library has recently held a round of focus groups to try and ascertain just how the Library can strive to become a central part of the community. It is also seeking a way to make the community more aware of the services provided there, and the many ways the Library can assist the public.
Recently, the web-presence of the Library benefited from a major overhaul. While beautifying the website considerably, it also led to the availability of some new features that had previously not been present. Namely, when a patron uses the search bar at the top of the homepage, the search now encompasses more than merely the catalog database. Now, the search function scans the website for any related information as well. Additionally, if the search does not locate the information for which a patron is looking, the option to search the online databases is also offered. The Library is hoping this feature will help bring their databases to the forefront, as it takes some pride in the numerous online resources it has to offer.
Another way the Library is striving to reach out to patrons is visible in their creation of a Facebook page. The Library has a Facebook presence and has been encouraging its patrons to “like” Avon-Washington Township Public Library on Facebook to get the word out to other people. Upcoming events and programs are advertised on the Facebook page, encouraging patrons to attend. News and quotes are shared via the Facebook feed as well, striving to keep the Library in the forefront of patrons’ minds.
There is even an app in the works! Avon-Washington Township Public Library has an app that will let you search the Library catalog, but they have not advertised it extensively due to some improvements it still requires. The app has not been publicized yet because the Library would like to have it in top working order before they present it to the public.
These are only a few of the ways that the Avon-Washington Township Public Library is striving to provide the best up-to-date services it can. The Library is there for the public’s use, so please, use it! Your hard earned tax dollars are at work, providing this collection of knowledge (both physical and digital) for your everyday use, so why not stop by and check out what it has to offer.
Not sure where the library is? I’ll help you. This map should show you just how close to Rockville Road the Library is:
This is where you will find the Avon-Washington Township Public Library!